P6 and P7 were all very excited to see Wayne back this term to teach them the skills of playing cricket. They will have 6 free session this term which is very good of Wayne and then in term 3 he will run at afterschool crivket club.
Girls Football
We sent a team of P6 and P7 girls to the Lisburn PS Girls Football Cup on Wednesday. Mrs Patterson was delighted with how they played, considering they have never played as a team before, winning one of their matches and Kyla managed to score 3 goals.
P4 Assembly
We had another one of our class assemblies this morning. P4 took an assembly about Martin Luther King Jr and then shared we us their wishes on how to make the world a better place. They displayed some lovely artwork and caring ideas.
What's coming up next week...
Monday 29th - Tuesday 30th January - P7 parents can seek transfer advice
Tuesday 30th January - Post primary portal opens
Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd February - no dinners available
Key Dates:
Monday 5th February - Freddy Fitness Sponsor Day (wear PE kit)
Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day
Thursday 8th February - PTA Half Term Disco 6:30-8:00pm
Monday 12th - Friday 16th February - half term holiday