On Tuesday P3 celebrated World Down Syndrome Day in honour of our Ceri. They all came to school wearing Odd socks and had fun doing colouring activities designing their own odd socks.
Science Demo Day
On Thursday we had Science Demo day in school. Last week was British Science week with the theme of 'Connections'. The children were divided into groups, with each group containing a mix of P1-7, and the groups moved around the classrooms to watch each teacher put on a Science demo. We had:
Umbrellas for Incy Wincy Spider
Communication by cups and walkie-talkies
Solid, liquid and gas comparisons
Travelling colours
Dancing raisins
Bridge Blunder
Forensic fingerprints
Cross Country Competition
On Thursday we entered a team of girls and one boy into the finals of the cross country competition after their success a couple of weeks ago. It was a tough race, fast and muddy but they all did really well and Mrs Malcolmson was very proud of them.
P4 Tag Rugby
P4 are loving their tag rugby sessions each week with Roy.
Competition Winner
We had a bear hunt winner in school today! At the Open Day of Victoria College the girls entered a bear hunt competition and Meryem in P7 was the lucky winner. Mrs Cromie, Victoria's Vice-Principal, popped in today to give her the prize she had won.
What's coming up next week...
Tues 28th March - KS2 Show @ 2:30pm
Wed 29th March - KS2 Show @ 6:30pm
Fri 31st March - End of term - 12:30pm finish
Key Dates:
Mon 17th April - Term 3 starts
Thurs 20th April - P6 Parent-teacher consultations